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57th National Heat Transfer Symposium of JAPAN
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Session List
General Session
Forced convection
Natural convection
Boiling and condensation
Melting and solidification
Mass transfer
Multiphase flow
Nano and micro heat transfer
Heat transfer in the porous media
Bio heat transfer
Measurement technology
Heat pipe
Cooling of electronic equipment
Air conditioning and Thermal equipment
Molecular dynamics
Organized Session
Hydrogen, Fuel cell, Secondary battery
Frontier of combustion heat transfer research
Progress of research on heat transfer with turbulence
Radiation transport and radiative properties
Promotion of heat and mass transport for thermal energy materials and systems
Thermal engineering in chemical process
Utilization of MEMS for heat transfer research
Nonlinear thermal fluid phenomena and heat transfer
Introduction of Component and Technology Development by Companies in Hokuriku and Jou-Shin-Etsu district
The footprints of the relationship between humans and heat
Workshop on HTSJ Promoted Reseach
Development of innovative materials and device technologies by understanding and controlling nanoscale thermodynamics
Best Presentation Award Session