Nano and micro heat transfer
2020/06/05 (Day 3), Room A
2020/06/05 (Day 3), Room A
11:05 〜 12:45
- chair
- Toru YAMADA (Nagoya Institute of Technology)
- A321
Development of thermodynamically stable photon upconversion crystals and elucidations of their properties and composition
◯ Riku ENOMOTO, Yoichi MURAKAMI (Tokyo Tech)
- A322
Modulation of interfacial thermoelectric properties by strain
◯ Chayaphol LORTARAPRASERT, Issei TSUNEKAWA, Tomu HAMAKAWA, Junichiro SHIOMI (Univ. Tokyo)
- A323
Transport of redox molecules in the flow thermo-electrochemical power generation
◯ Yoichi Murakami, Yutaka Ikeda (Tokyo Tech)
- A324
Development of yellow phosphor by sol-gel method
Kento TOBINAGA, ◯ Shuhei INOUE, Yukihiko MATSUMURA (Hiroshima Univ.)
- A325
Measurement of microscopic wetting behavior of PDMS suspension of SiO2 nanoparticles on Si substrate
◯ Eita SHOJI, Takahiro KANEKO, Tatsuya YONEMURA, Masaki KUBO, Takao TSUKADA, Atsuki KOMIYA (Tohoku Univ.)