Forced convection
2020/06/05 (Day 3), Room H
09:30 〜 10:50
- chair
- Kazuya TATSUMI (Kyoto University)
- H311
Phase-averaged Statistics of Pulsating Film Cooling Flow at Trailing Edge of Gas Turbine Airfoil Measured by Three-Component Particle Tracking Velocimetry in Multiple Planes
◯ Chihiro Hayakawa, Akira Murata, Katsumi Oho, Shohei Yamamoto, Kaoru Iwamoto (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology)
- H312
Numerical Simulation of Pulsating Flow around Heating Elements mounted in Curved Rectangular Duct
◯ Kohei Ichikawa, Takashi Fukue, Keiichi Hamatani (Kanazawa Inst. Tech.), Hidemi Shirakawa (NIT, Toyama College)
- H313
Experimental Study on Forced Convection around Cylinder mounted in Rectangular Duct by Pulsating Water Flow
◯ Keiichi Hamatani, Takashi Fukue (Kanazawa Inst. Tech.), Hidemi Shirakawa (NIT, Toyama College)
- H314
Effects of stroke and frequency on convective heat transfer in laminar oscillatory flow
◯ Shunsuke MURATA, Kenichi P KOBAYASHI (Meiji Univ.)
2020/06/05 (Day 3), Room H
11:05 〜 12:45
- chair
- Akira MURATA (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology)
- H322
Heat Transfer of Forced Convection around an Array of Heated Plates
◯ Fumiyoshi KIMURA, Kazuki NODA (Univ. of Hyogo), Kenzo KITAMURA (Toyohashi Univ. of Tech.)
- H323
Development of high efficiency recuperator by new heat transfer promoting device at Continuous Annealing Line
◯ Ryo Kamura, Koji Iwata, Kunitoshi Oyama (JFE Steel)
- H324
Numerical analysis on performance of airfoil-shaped heat exchanger by OpenFOAM
◯ Mitsuaki TAKEMOTO, Toshiki NARA, Akiyoshi KURODA, Tsuyoshi TOTANI, Masahiko YAMADA, Toshiki NARA (Univ.Hokkaido)
- H325
Two Particles Separation Effect of the Particle Alignment Technique in Microchannel Flow Using Dielectrophoretic Force
Renato HONMA, ◯ Kazuya TATSUMI, Reiko KURIYAMA, Kazuyoshi NAKABE (Kyoto Univ.)