International Workshop for Sustainable Energy Conversion Systems 2024

organized by The Heat Transfer Society of Japan.


The Heat Transfer Society of Japan will hold "The International Workshop on Sustainable Energy Conversion Systems (IWSEC) 2024" co-located with The 61st Japan Heat Transfer Symposium (May 29 - 31, 2024, Kobe). This workshop will focus on emerging sustainable energy conversion systems, including de-carbonized energy careers, fuel cells, water electrolysis, secondary batteries, and thermal and chemical energy storage systems. We will share cutting-edge research and development and discuss future perspectives.

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Plenary Lecture

Jianbo Zhang, Professor at Tsinghua University

Jungwon Park, Associate Professor at Seoul National University

Tetsuhiko Maeda, Deputy Director, Research Center at Fukushima Renewable Energy Institute, AIST

Peng Zhang, Professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University

First Lecture Name Second Lecture Name Third Lecture Name Forth Lecture Name
Jianbo Zhang Jungwon Park Tetsuhiko Maeda Peng Zhang

Call For Papers


In this workshop, we invite the research community in heat and mass transfer to submit works related to the sustainable energy conversion systems, revolving around the following topic areas:

The list above is by no means exhaustive, as the aim is to foster the debate around all aspects of the suggested sutainable energy converstion systems.



Papers should be formatted according to the The 61st HTSJ Symp. formatting guidelines and submitted as a single PDF file. We welcome submissions across the full spectrum of theoretical, experimental and practical work including research ideas, methods, tools, simulations, applications or demos, practical evaluations, and surveys. Submissions that are 1 page long and more (including references and appendices) will be considered for an oral or poster presentation.

Authors who are willing to make a presentaiton must be registered by Jan 26 19 , 2024 via a Google Form


The website to access the proceedings of the IWSEC2024 has been closed.

If you require a copy of the conference proceedings, please contact the Heat Transfer Society of Japan.

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About IWSEC2024 and The 61th HTSJ

We invite the research community in heat and mass transfer to join this workshop related to the sustainable energy conversion systems. Paticipants for the workshop are requested to complete a registration with payment at either IWSEC2024 or The 61th HTSJ website supported by peatix. The sites open on March 4. On-site registration (including cash) will not be accepted. Please register online in advance. Registration fees will not be refunded. Participants registered after 2:00 pm on May 24 are asked to visit the on-site reception desk to write your name and affiliation on a name tag.
NOTE: Early-bird Registration Due is April 12, 2024. A single registration covers both events. Please avoid "duplicate registration" for IWSEC2024 and The 61th HTSJ.

Important Dates

Be mindful of the following dates:

Note: all deadlines are JST (Japan Standard Time).

Workshop Program

May 29th, 2024
9:00 Impact of porous transport layers on the performance of PEM electrolysis cell –Bubble visualization–
Songsong MA, Tomoko SAITOU, Takahiro KARIMATA, Hironori NAKAJIMA, Kohei ITO (Kyushu university)
9:20 Numerical simulation of the two-phase flow dynamics in an alkaline water electrolyzer considering bubble size effects
Ryo KANEMOTO, Takuto ARAKI, Shigenori MITSUSHIMA (Yokohama National University)
9:40 Engineered porous reactors with tailored microstructure for energy conversion applications: a pore network modeling and metaheuristic optimization approach
Mehrzad ALIZADEH (Osaka University), Jeff GOSTICK (University of Waterloo), Takahiro SUZUKI, Shohji TSUSHIMA (Osaka University)
10:00 Coarse-grained molecular dynamics study of ionomer morphology during the drying process of PEFC catalyst layer
Guo YUTING (Kyoto University), Takuya MABUCHI, Gaoyang LI, Takashi TOKUMASU (Tohoku University)
10:20 Break
10:40 [Plenary Lecture] Evaluation of water electrolysis in renewable energy and development of hydrogen energy systems
Tetsuhiko MAEDA (Center at Fukushima Renewable Energy Institute, AIST, Japan)
11:20 A further improvement of boiling effect on water electrolyzer –Can hydrophobicity enhance it? –
Yasufumi ISHIKAWA, Shota SUGAI, Shunsuke KAJIWARA, Linjun LI, Takahiro KARIMATA, Hironori NAKAJIMA, Tomoko SAITOU, Kohei ITO (Kyushu University and Kyoto University)
11:40 Influence of operation conditions on H2 production characteristics of biogas dry reforming membrane reactor
Akira NISHIMURA, Shogo ITO, Mizuki ICHIKAWA, Souta YAMADA, Ryoma ICHII (Mie University)
12:00 Experimental analysis of overpotential in vanadium redox flow batteries induced by pulsating flow
Pengfei SUN, Mehrzad ALIZADEH, Takahiro SUZUKI, Shohji TSUSHIMA (Osaka University)
12:20 Lunch
13:30 [Plenary Lecture] A nanofluidic reactor for pure water electrolysis with no Ir, no membrane, and no added electrolyte
Jianbo ZHANG (Tsinghua University, China)
14:10 Exploring prospects and challenges in the multi-phase a direct toluene electro-hydrogenation electrolyzer
Fátima Isabella Reyna-Peña, Antonio Atienza-Márquez, Yosei TAKIMOTO, Ryuhei SHIONO, Takuto ARAKI, Shigenori MITSUSHIMA (Yokohama National University)
14:30 Power output of the solvation difference flow battery for utilizing low-grade heat
Yohei MATSUI, Yuki MAEDA, Makoto KAWASE (Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry), Takahiro SUZUKI, Shohji TSUSHIMA (Osaka University)
14:50 Break
15:10-17:10 The 61st HTSJ Symp. Sessions
Excellent Presentation Award Session (3F Reception Hall)

Industry-Academia Mixing session (Room E)

The Special Promotional Research Workshop Session(Room A)

May 30th, 2024
9:00 [Plenary Lecture] Real-time nanoscale observation of catalysts in energy conversion systems
Jungwon PARK (Seoul National University, South Korea)
9:40 Effect of gas compositions on H2O/CO2 co-electrolysis using solid oxide electrolysis cell
Masashi KISHIMOTO, Riki NAKAMURA, Yuting GUO, Hiroshi IWAI (Kyoto University)
10:00 Experimental Study of Ammonia/oxygen mixture co-combustion in a constant volume combustion chamber and prediction of heat release rate by using machine learning
Lijia FANG, Masato SANNO, Takanobu OKADA, Emir YILMAZ, Mitsuhisa ICHIYANAGI, Takashi SUZUKI (Sophia University)
10:20 Break
10:40 [Plenary Lecture] Data-driven design and optimization of thermal energy storage system for heating and cooling applications
Peng ZHANG (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China)
11:20 Study on the output characteristics of the thermal boosters with different composite cells based on micro-encapsulated calcium chloride
Linbin ZENG, Hiroshi SUZUKI (Kobe University), Ruri HIDEMA (Nagoya University), Keiko FUJIOKA (Functional Fluids Ltd.)
11:40 Phase change material based heat exchanger for breathing air cooling
Yuan ZHU, You Lv (Southern University of Science and Technology)
12:00 Performance evaluation on Gd-based heat exchanger for thermomagnetic motor
Guilherme Hitoshi KANEKO, Tsuyoshi KAWANAMI (Meiji University)
12:20 Lunch
13:30-17:10 The 61st HTSJ Symp. Sessions
18:15-20:15 The 61st HTSJ Symp & IWSEC2024: Genral exchange meeting (Kobe Portopia Hotel)

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Organizing Committee

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The workshop will take place on May 29-30, 2024 in the room named TBA at the Kobe Convention Center, in Kobe, Japan.

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Official Travel Guide of KOBE and KOBE Convention Bureau

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